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BE Happy: learn to Nurture Your Self

BE happy: learn to Nurture Your Self

“When disturbed by negative thoughts,

opposite (positive) ones should be thought of.

This is pratipaksha bhavana.”

~Yoga Sutra 2:33

Oh, that’s it. Really?! Yep, that’s it. That’s the secret revealed in the Yoga Sutras thousands of years ago.

And, it was reinforced by Fraulein Maria during The Sound of Music in her song Favorite Things. When something bad happens, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don’t feel so bad.

The mind is a powerful thing and often times we let it control us and push us around. It is important to remember that YOU have the power! You can simply change your thoughts, change your mind, and change your attitude.

Neuroplasticity is what science calls it. The capacity of the brain to change. And these changes may be associated with corresponding changes in thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Research suggests that Yoga can stimulate neuroplasticity and bias the brain toward greater personal happiness & improved relationships. And by Yoga, I mean not just the asana or physical practice of Yoga, but the practice of the yamas & niyamas, pranayama, and meditation as well.

“Don’t believe everything you think.”

The stories that we tell ourselves are just our interpretations of the events & people in our lives. And yet, these stories often keep us trapped in limiting beliefs. What story are you telling yourself? It could be something as simple as “I can’t balance” which may lead to “I’m such a klutz”. How is this limiting belief holding you back? Do you not even try when in yoga class it comes time for the dreaded balancing pose? Do you roll your eyes and beat yourself up? Where does this story come from?

The stories you tell yourself may be about who you are, who you should be, what you should do, how should think, feel, or believe. And these stories are a result of many different factors from childhood, relationships, culture, upbringing, etcetera. They are your samskaras. And they are holding you back from your own happiness.

When you learn to change the stories you are telling your Self, you change your life. You can free your Self from unhealthy stories and embrace new stories. Simply by changing your thoughts. You get to write your story. The average person has over 50,000 thoughts a day and we need to learn to manage those thoughts. The basic Law of Attraction states that where attention goes, energy flows. What you think you become. So, if you fill your mind with negative thoughts, you will produce a negative life. On the contrary, if you fill your mind with positive thoughts, you will attract a positive life.

Yep, it really is that simple.

“If you truly want to change your life, you must first be willing to change your mind.”

~Donald Altman

September is National Yoga Month! And there’s a LOT going on…

FIRST FRIDAY IS THE FIRST! Don’t miss out on our favorite monthly event! Join us for Let it Flow! from 6-7pm followed by a glass of wine or tea. Yoga Styles will be open for shopping and then hit the town and view all the artists and vendors. I always recommend a stop at Novel for a scoop and/or a donut across the street. The perfect Friday night Happy Hour – bring a friend or two! SIGN ME UP!

The studio will be CLOSED on Monday September 4th in observance of Labor Day. Please have a happy & safe holiday!

Join Heather on Saturday the 9th to learn how to flow! She will guide you step-by-step through a vinyasa flow class so you feel comfortable trying one out. This is a great chance to learn something new or a great refresher class for the experienced yogi. SIGN ME UP!

Then the Fall Equinox is Friday the 22nd. This occurs the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator, which is the imaginary line in the sky that corresponds to Earths equator. The sun enters Libra (the sign of balanced scales), when the day and night are equal, it is the point of balance between the summer and the winter solstices. Join us for a special Let it Flow! class that Friday night at 6pm to explore union and balance through asana: active & passive, yin & yang, outer & inner, light & dark. There may even be fall themed treats… (read: pumpkin spice everything!) SIGN ME UP!

*HIGHLIGHT! Come join Suzanne as she represents Unwind at the Soulful Tribe Yoga Festival at the Scottsdale Resort @ McCormick Ranch on Saturday September 23rd at 9am for Aroma Yin! An aromatic Yin Yoga journey through the Chakras with essential oils. The festival is all weekend and our neighbor Susan from Yoga Styles will set up shop in her booth also all weekend. Tickets are available at

As the month comes to a close, join Suzanne for the next in the series of essential oil workshops for Nurture Your Self on Saturday the 30th. We will explore the combined benefits of yoga and essential oils to help you release emotional stress and live a more balanced life. The perfect time to reflect on the year thus far and set positive intentions for the remainder of the year. SIGN ME UP!

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